"yoga is not about touching your toes, it is about what you learn on the way down."

Judith Hanson Lasater

Friday, December 17, 2010

Some Interesting Winter Solstice Info

What actually is the winter solstice? The word solstice literally means "sun standing still." At the moment of the winter solstice, the path of the sun in the sky over the past six months has reached its furthest southern position and now turns northward.

I read an interesting article in the National Post yesterday in regards to this upcoming Winter Solstice on Tuesday December 21, 2010. This solstice will coincide with a full lunar eclipse in a union that has not been seen in 456 years. This occurance holds special significance for spiritualities that tap into the energy of the winter solstice, which is the shortest day of the year and associated with the rebirth of the sun. The Wiccan Church of Canada says that "it is ritual of transformation from darkness into light." The Wiccans also would see great significance in this unique coupling of the masculine energy of the sun and feminine energy of the moon. The last time this happened was in 1554 (according to NASA). The eclipse will start just after midnight Tuesday with the main event starting at 1:30 am and lasting until 5:30 am.

Another interesting article I read was in Yoga Journal. This time of the year generally finds us in a hurried and harried state as we shop, decorate the house, travel and participate in other energy sapping activities. This schedule can often find us feeling depleted, getting ill, anxious, or depressed. According to Taoist philosophy and traditional Chinese medicine, the frantic schedules that we seem to participate in fall out of sync with the earth's natural cycles. People, on average, generally have less energy to burn during the winter but are running as though we are in our summer cycle.

Taoist philosophy conceptualizes universal balance in terms of yin and yang, which are complementary forces that govern the universe. Yin characteristics are cool, wet, slow, feminine, and quiet, whereas yang is the opposite: warm, dry, fast, masculine, extroverted. Winter is actual the yin season, and is a time for storing and conserving energy.

In agrarian cultures, people spend the shortest, darkest days indoors by the fire, eating warm, slow-cooked, nourishing food and sharing stories with their families. The incongruity between winter's restful, introspective, yin nature and the frenetic way many North Americans spend their holidays can contribute to seasonal affective disorder, depression, exhaustion, and other manifestations of what is known in TCM as shen (or spiritual) disharmony.

"Winter solstice which is four days before Christmas, is the darkest, most yin day of the year" "Instead of turning inward, we're celebrating with excess and yang activity. This artificiality creates stress, and many people dread the season as a result."

To stay balanced during winter it is important to conserve your yang energy. Restorative yoga, tai chi, qigong, and walking are best suited for yin season, as they safeguard your energy reserves. " Eating cooked, spicy yang foods provides another good way to replenish energy or yang-strengthening soups: slow-simmered stews, beans, roasted root vegetables, and warm drinks. Add yang spices such as garlic, ginger, black pepper, cloves, and basil to increase the warming effect. Minimize your intake of yin foods such as raw vegetables, salad greens, and cold drinks.

Find some quiet ways to celebrate the holidays and you may have more time and energy to connect with close friends and family. Replenish in this quiet, nurturing yin nature of winter.

We will be offering our annual Candlelight Yoga on the winter solstice at the studio on Tuesday from 7-8:15 pm. All proceeds from this event are being donated towards the new building of the Kawartha Lakes Humane Society. Please call for further information.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Winter Session Schedule & Workshops

We are finishing up our fall session classes this week (with a few exceptions - Monday classes, Kundalini and Sat. classes will run another week).

With the ending of one session we begin to look forward to classes in the New Year. If you are on our mailing, the brochures were mailed out yesterday and for those of you in class, you will have received the updates either mid week or this upcoming week.

There are some wonderful 2 hour workshops in the new year put on by teachers at the studio. Bridget will start us off with Developing a Home Yoga Practice which is a great way to take your yoga into your life on a more regular basis.

Pam has put together a workshop to help us find some stability in a possibly unstable environment ~ our body! She will be running Yoga for Core Stability in the middle of February.

Bridget and I are joining together with our restorative yoga training to present a 2 1/2 hour Restorative Yoga for Women's Health where we will look at some practices to support a changing body through perimenopause and menopause.

Local Naturopathic Doctor, Molly Brass will join me in a workshop focusing on Living with Fibromyalgia: Lifestyle Choices and Yoga Practices. Molly will give a short overview on Fibromyalgia, its symptomology and what one can do to help reduce the effects. I will then offer a gentle yoga practice to get the body moving as it has been proven in recent studies, that yoga can reduce the effects of Fibromyalgia by 30%.

Paola will be running a 3 hour Kundalini Yoga for Revitalizing Your SELF on February 6th which is a great time to help alleviate those winter blahs. Caroline Owen will end the session of workshops with Ashtanga Yoga Fusion as she marries together her unique blend of approaches to offer an accessible form of Ashtanga practices.

Please feel free to call me, email me or drop into the studio (prior to scheduled classes) for further information or to register. A postdated cheque is required to hold your spot for the new session of classes.

om shanti,


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Inclement Weather Policy

Generally speaking, classes very rarely get cancelled for weather conditions.
I will post a class cancellation on the blog site and will also try and call
people if a class is cancelled. As the majority of the studio students live within the town limits, this has not proved to be an issue over the last 11 years of classes. With the option to do makeup classes - there is always an opportunity to get that extra class in.

Stay dry.. and warm....umbrella or snowboots?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Yoga Holiday Sale!

Give the gift of yoga this Christmas! (even if it is to yourself!)
Most items in the studio store will be on sale from Dec. 1st to Dec.16th.
Cds, DVDs, Books, Belts, Blocks & Eyebags are 15% off.
Yoga Mats, Matbags and Neti pots are 10% off.

We have a selection of Mindful Calendars for 2011 including:
Power of Now, Pema Chodron, A New Earth (Eckhart Tolle), Yoga Journal, Wayne Dyer: Change Your Thoughts & Living the Wisdom of the Tao, Christiane Northrup: Womens Wisdom and Vegetarian Every Day Desk Calendar. (all reasonably priced under $18)

We have a new yoga mat in stock that I am excited about: The Healthy Mat~ Infrared Bamboo Charcoal Mat. For those of you who have found that there is not enough padding when you may be on a hard studio floor, this mat is 10mm, which is 4-6 mm thicker than most mats. The extra thickness can provide comfort for knee or joint discomfort. It was designed and patented by a Toronto yogini and can be used for any type of yoga practice (even hot yoga), pilates and wherever you need a comfortable stretching space.

For the beginner or experienced yogi, there are numerous dvds in stock to support various practices including beginner, gentle, vinyasa, kundalini or stress relief. If meditation is something you would like to explore in the New Year, there is a large selection of meditation cds to help guide your experience.

If you would like to come by the studio to have a look, or need some guidance, please call so we will co-ordinate schedules or just show up 15 minutes prior to yoga classes or at the end of a class.

Happy Holidays!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Make Up Classes

Well it is hard to believe that December is just around the corner and our fall session is winding down. Most of the classes will be finishing within the next 2 weeks with the exception of: Monday Classes finishing the 13th, Kundalini Classes finishing the 16th and Saturday classes on the 18th. For those of you wishing to do makeups, please feel free to come to do your makeups over the next 2 weeks and also utilizing the opportunity beyond your session with the classes finishing after yours. The only exception for a drop in option is the Experienced Classes on Thursday night at 7:15 pm which cannot be used for makeups.
The winter schedule is being printed and I'm hoping to have it out will be out by the 6th of December. Signup sheets for the winter session will be put out this week.

There is no need to phone in regards to makeups, just show up and we will fit you in!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cancellation of Meditation Workshop

Please note that the meditation workshop with Jack scheduled for Saturday Nov. 6th has been cancelled. We will reschedule in the spring term.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Extension of PreNatal Classes with Courtney

Prenatal classes will continue running on Saturdays from 10:30 - 11:45 am until November 20th. If you are interested in signing up or doing a drop in class please contact the studio for prices and availability.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Reminder of Monday Schedule ~ Oct. 25th

Please take note that the Monday morning Gentle yoga and Men's Lunchbreak will not be running on October 25th due to teacher training. The evening classes will be running as scheduled.

thank you,

Additional 4 weeks of Nia Offered

Please note that we will be offering an additional 4 week session of Nia classes on Wednesdays from 4:30 - 5:30 pm beginning November 10th till December 1st. Cost will be $54 and includes hst taxes.

The Nia technique is a barefoot mind-body-spirit movement experience that combines martial arts (tai chi, taekwondo & akido), dance arts (modern, jazz & duncan dance)and healing arts (yoga, feldenkrais awareness & alexander technique) influences set to wonderful eclectic music. This is not a dance class but an opportunity to awaken your inner dancer, uplift your spirit and grow with self-expression. No experience is necessary.

The class will be taught by Pam Guzzi who is a certified White Belt and licensed to teach the Nia Technique. If you have any questions or would like to register, please contact the studio.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Introduction to Meditation & Mindfulness Workshop

Jack Connelly will be running an Introductory workshop this Sunday October 17th from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm for those curious about meditation and mindfulness practices.
Jack draws on a wide range of experiences and the workshop will introduce the basics of meditation and mindfulness to help work towards a meditation practice. The workshop is suitable for beginners. Please contact the studio for registration. Cost is $27.00 (including HST).

Meditation is not a technique. It is more a state of mind or quality of awareness. We practice meditation techniques in order to promote these states of mind or ways of being.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Kundalini Yoga Introduction Series

"The kundalini experience does not mean you have gone into a deep breathless trance and are beyond this world. … It integrates you more fully with reality and gives you a broader vision and sensitivity so that you can act more efficiently."
~ Yogi Bhajan

Kundalini Yoga is a dynamic system combining breathing, movement, stretching meditation, the use of sound and rhythm, relaxation and meditation. Each class usually entails spine and flexibility warm-ups, a specific sequence for the energy or day at hand, and a relaxation and meditation. There are many exercise sets and meditations in this system. A typical class includes 6 major components: 1) tuning-in with the Adi Mantra, 2) pranayam or warm-up, 3) kriya, 4) relaxation, 5) meditation and 6) close with the blessing song, “May the Long Time Sun Shine Upon You”.

A 6-week Introduction Series to Kundalini Yoga will be offered at the studio on Thursday mornings beginning Nov. 11th and running until Dec. 16th. Class time is 9:15 am to 10:45 am. Cost: $93.00 (tax included). The classes will be facilitated by Certified & Registered Kundalini Yoga Teacher (3H0), Paola diPaolo E-RYT500 in the tradition of Yogi Bhajan.

For further information or to register for classes, please contact the studio by phone or email. A post dated cheque is required to secure a space and to confirm numbers.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thanksgiving Closures

Just a reminder that the studio will be closed for Thanksgiving Weekend and classes are not running on Saturday and Monday. (Oct. 9th & 11th). Wishing you a lovely Thanksgiving and remember to take a moment of gratitude for all you are thankful for in your life.

Sharon, Bridget, Pam, Tracey & Paola

Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence,
and I learn, whatever state I may be in,
therein to be content.

Helen Keller

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Schedule Corrections

Happy October! What a great workshop today with Caroline Owen. Caroline always brings her unique approach to ashtanga based movements allowing them to be accessible to all variations of abilities and bodies. Thank you Caroline for sharing your knowledge with us in Lindsay.
There are 2 schedule changes that have been adjusted on our website page but not on the printed brochure. Please note that there will be no Nia class on Wed. Oct. 13th as Pam will be away at a training. The class will be added to the end of the session and run on November 3rd. Second change, the 12 week session for Saturday General Yoga ends on Dec. 18th rather than the 11th. Sorry for the oversight on the schedule.
Wishing you a wonderful fall Sunday.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fall Session Begins!

Hoping that the chaos of back to school has subsided somewhat and that you are ready for yoga to begin tomorrow. The fall classes will start Monday September 20th and registration for classes will be continue as long as space permits.
Caroline Owen is returning for a workshop on October 3rd looking at hip and shoulder openers. If you are interested please call or email the studio to sign up so we can confirm numbers. The schedule for classes will be updated next week, adjusting any changes that may be made.
Looking forward to seeing you all at class!

Sharon, Bridget, Pam, Tracey & Paola

Friday, August 20, 2010

Fall Sessions

The summer is nearing its end and I hope you have all enjoyed the glorious weather and found some time to enjoy life and possibly even get away.
I am printing the fall brochure and will mail out early next week. The fall schedule will be posted on the website the first week of September. If you are interested in any of the fall classes or workshops, please call me to reserve a space and then you may forward me your post-dated cheque upon confirmation. If you are interested in a particular class, it is best to call asap as many of the classes fill quickly.
I am excited about the fall line up of classes and workshops and have some new classes that I am pleased to offer. Some of the new offerings for fall will include additional morning options: Yin/Yang Fusion, Gentle/Beginner and Kundalini Intro. Tracey will be teching a 1 hour General class on Tuesdays from 5-6 pm to get you home before dinner. Courtney will be returning for a 4 week Prenatal Class on Saturday mornings in October. Due to a schedule change, Paola's class will be moving to Thursdays and I will be offering an evening Yin class in the Wed. time slot.
To alleviate some of the back to school, back to work chaos that happens after Labour Day, the fall session will not be starting until the 3rd week of September so that we may catch our breath, organize everyone we need to and then have time for ourselves.
I feel blessed that we have such an extraordinary group of teachers at the studio and each of them brings something different to each class!

Look forward to seeing you in September!

Sharon (Bridget, Pam, Tracey, Paola, Courtney)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Our Dear Teacher Lila Ostermann

I just received news today that our beloved teacher Lila Ostermann passed away on Thursday June 24th. She was 90 years old. For those of you who had the honour of knowing Lila, she was a woman whose presence will be missed but whose memory will be forever etched in our hearts.

Lila left our community of Lindsay to move to Salt Spring Island about 8 years ago and for the past couple of years had been living in an assisted centre for Seniors. Her son, Mattias Ostermann, had passed away early last year. Lila apparently became poorly mid-June and deteriorated quite quickly. Her loving friends were with her as she passed and they chanted Om Tryambhakam for the last 2 hours of her dear life. She was embraced by the light, in peace and stillness, with her loving Babuji waiting to receive her.

Lila was a remarkable, loving and strong woman with a personality to match. She touched and affected many people throughout her years of teaching yoga and truly lived what she taught. I think for those who knew her, we all have a "Lila" memory - one that may make us smile, laugh or bring a tear to our eye. It was hard to not embrace this tiny powerhouse of a woman! She was definately a catalyst in my life, as she brought me a respite from the stresses of both my inner and outer worlds -- without being aware of the shift her classes were bringing to me. She allowed compassion to move into our lives and to think about the words we spoke to ourselves. She made us laugh, as she marched us into the ladies room of the Armouries to show us how to do a proper "squat" should we ever find ourselves in India. She was the first teacher who exposed us to Laughter Yoga as she would just start to laugh....HA HA HA.... and before we knew it, the whole class was in laughter. Her stories of her life both prior to yoga and within the ashram, intrigued us all as she shared snippets throughout the years. She was a unique woman who changed perspectives of many as she brought yoga into our small community of Lindsay.

For those of you who have been in our studio, the photo of Lila (taken by Anders Widjedal) truly captures her personality and sparkle. Please take a moment for Lila to honour her life. Honour the gift that she gave to you through her yoga, whether it was one class or numerous. Namaste Dearest Lila. I bow to the light in you.

The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
Om. Tryambhakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan
Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat

We worship Shiva - The Three-Eyed (tryambakam) Lord (yajamahe);
Who is fragrant (sugandhim) and nourishes (pushti) and grows (vardhanam) all beings.
As the ripened cucumber (urvarukamiva) is automatically liberated (bandhanaan) (by the intervention of the "farmer") from its bondage to the creeper when it fully ripens;
May He liberate us (mokshiya) from death (mrityor), for the sake of immortality (maamritaat).

Spiritual Significance of the Shiva Mahamantra
Lord Shiva is referred to as tryambakam, the three-eyed one, because his third-eye has been "opened" by the powers of penance and meditation.
The third eye is said to be located in the space between the eyebrows, and is "opened" when one experiences spiritual awakening. So, when we pray to Lord Shiva, we are in essence asking for his blessings and assistance in opening our third eye of spiritual knowledge. The natural consequence of this awakening is that we will be led towards spiritual liberation or moksha, and attain freedom from the cycles of death and rebirth. The goal of chanting this mantra is to spiritually "ripen" so that we can free ourselves Lord Shiva can free us from our bondage to all the material things that bind us!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

4 Week PreNatal Yoga Intro

There are still a couple of spaces available in the 4 week PreNatal Yoga Introduction series beginning on Tuesday July 6th at 11:15 - 12:45pm. If you are interested in registering or require further information please contact the studio by phone or email.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mini Summer Sessions for July & August

Registration has begun for our summer offerings in July & August.
The classes are pre-registered to ensure that there will be enough clients for a class to run. We will then take drop ins to fill any available places.
If you are interested in further information, registration or to be placed on our mailing list for fall classes, please call or email the studio @ pathtostillness@sympatico.ca

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Many thanks to Food for Heroes!

A sincere note of gratitude to Rachel Spearing's Food for Heroes, for hosting and providing a wonderful space for our morning of Nia & Yoga! It was a delight to be amongst the beautiful surroundings, create group energy in our Nia and Yoga, and nourish our bodies with such a delightful lunch!
Many thanks to those who attended and to the Spearing Family for making this morning an enjoyable and successful workshop!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Morning of Yoga & Nia at Elysian Fields

There are still af few spots available for the morning of Yoga & Nia in Bethany this Sunday, June 13th. Contact the studio for further information.
Please bring a yoga mat and shoes that are comfortable and supportive for your Nia practice. Looking forward to moving and connecting with the energy of the earth in this beautiful space!

End of Spring Session

Namaste fellow yogis! This week ends our spring session (other than Saturday classes which end June 19th). We have added a few extra classes over the next 2 weeks for those of you who had expressed an interest in continuing until the end of the "school year" in June.

Additional Classes that will be running are:
Yin Yoga - Tues. Morning ~ 15th & 22nd @ 9:00-10:30 am** note time change
General Yoga - Tues. Evening ~ 15th & 22nd @ 6:15 - 7:45 pm
Experienced Yoga - Wed. Evening ~ 26th & 23rd @ 7:45 - 9:15 pm
Continuing Yoga - Thurs. Evening ~ 17th & 24th @ 7:00 - 8:30 pm**note time change
*please note these are not "makeups"

Our summer yoga offerings will be running on a reduced schedule in mini sessions of 4 weeks for July & August with both morning and evening options. I'm very excited to have Paola teach 3 weeks of Kundalini yoga and allow us to experience it on a weekly basis in July. Classes are pre-registered if possible, so that we may know that people are interested in that particular class running. At present time, the schedule is tentative based on registration. We will then offer drop in availability once our "minimum" number has been reached.

For those of you who have finished the spring session and are taking the summer off, have a safe and relaxing summer. Thank you for your continued support of the studio, it is most appreciated and we look forward to seeing you in the fall.

The summer schedule will be posted next week and if you are interested in registering or drop ins, please give the studio a call or an email.


Sharon, Bridget, Pam, Tracey & Paola

Monday, May 17, 2010

New for Summer ~ PreNatal Yoga

We are pleased to be offering a 4 or 6 week PreNatal Yoga Introduction series beginning Tuesday June 22nd until July 27th (or 4 weeks July 6th-27th) from 11:15 am - 12:45 pm with Courtney Jeffery (CYT200). The classes will include relaxation, breathwork and gentle movement to nurture you and your baby during pregnancy and help prepare you for birth and motherhood. Yoga is an ideal modality for all stages of pregnancy. The emphasis on increasing body and breath awareness can allow you to work with the transformations of pregnancy with calm and confidence. Variations will be given for all stages of pregnancy. No experience necessary. The class size will be limited to 8 to ensure a safe and supportive environment. The 6 week session is $100.00. The 4 week session is $68.00. Both prices include HST.
Pre-registration is required.

Courtney Jeffery is a prenatal yoga instructor, trained Doula and mother. She has been practicing yoga for 12 years and teaching for 8 years. Courtney has a holistic approach to yoga and honours the individual needs, according to lifestyle, body and mind connections. She is a trained Kripalu yoga teacher who has studied prenatal yoga with Janice Clarfield and completed her doula training through Dona with Kim Ethrington of Oshawa.

We are happy to have Courtney return to the studio after 6 years of study, travel and motherhood! Courtney taught a successful yoga for teens class at the studio before moving away from our community. Congratulations Courtney on the birth of your beautiful babe - Ember!

A Morning of Yoga & Nia in the Country

To help celebrate a new venture of one of our studio yogis, we will be participating in a morning of yoga & nia at Elysian Fields in Bethany on Sunday June 13th from 9:30 am- 1:00 pm.

Elysian Fields will nourish your soul as we join together to embrace joy of movement with Nia, centre and ground ourselves through yoga, walk in meditation and feed our bodies with an organic seasonal lunch from Food for Heroes. The beautiful setting will allow us to move amongst the fields of flowers, singing songbirds and a plentiful garden as we celebrate the coming of summer. Rachel Spearing has combined her passions for healthy living, gardening and cooking with her new business, Food for Heroes at this breathtaking setting in the country. Paola and Sharon are happy to share in this inaugural workshop morning in honour of this new venture.

The morning will include a 45-minute Nia practice, a 75-minute yoga practice followed by a meditative walk through the property. We will finish with a light seasonal lunch in the garden provided by Rachel. The classes will be held outdoors (weather permitting) so please dress accordingly. In case of inclement weather, we will move into the greenhouses. A selection of seasonal organic herbs and vegetables may be available for purchase following the workshop.

Space is Limited. Pre-Registration Required. Payments by cash or cheque only.Cost: $50.00
For further information or to register, please call the studio.

Victoria Day Weekend Closures

What a beautiful day yesterday. Hopefully the good weather will continue into the upcoming Victoria Day weekend.
The studio will be closed Saturday to Monday (May 22-24) with classes resuming on Tuesday May 25th. Please note that there are only a few weeks left of the spring yoga session and if you are wanting to do any makeups please do them over the next 2-3 weeks.
Have a wonderful holiday weekend. Safe Travels.

Sharon, Bridget, Pam, Tracey & Paola

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Cancellation of Nia Workshop - Tuesday May 11th

With great regret, Martha Randall is unable to present her workshop on Tuesday May 11th at Alexandra School Gymnasium. Please contact the studio for refunds for pre-registration. We look forward to continuing our Nia Journey with Martha in the fall.
Get Well Martha!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Journey of the Heart Nia Workshop

Nia is a path to condition, heal and express your self through movement and sensation. A dynamic blend of dance arts, martial arts and healing arts, Nia revolutionized the face of fitness in 1983, and has since changed millions of lives and bodies across the globe. Balancing technical precision with free-form expression, Nia brings the body, mind, emotions and spirit to optimum health through music, movement and self-expression, guided by the sensation of Pleasure.

Nia is designed for any body. It is ageless and limitless, transformational and effective for every person everywhere, from athletes, dancers and fitness instructors, to children, special needs groups and the elderly. With the philosophy, Through Movement We Find Health, Nia addresses the whole person through music and movement integrated from nine traditional movement forms.

Please join Martha Randall, Nia Black Belt and Trainer, for a nourishing, funfilled evening of dance and movement and be inspired by music and movement. We are so fortunate that Martha makes her trek to Lindsay twice a year to allow us an opportunity to find freedom, laughter, fitness and joy as we dance on this Journey of the Heart.

The workshop is held offsite at Alexandra School Gymnasium, 66 Sussex St. North, Lindsay on Tuesday May 11th from 6:15 - 8:00. Pre-registration requested. No experience required.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

An Introduction to Meditation & Mindfulness

Have you ever been curious or contemplated Meditation?

This introductory workshop will allow you to experience simple meditation techniques and learn how to begin and work towards the practice of meditation and mindfulness. Meditation is not a technique. It is more a state of mind or quality of awareness. We practice meditation techniques in order to promote these states of mind or ways of being.

Jack Connelly draws on a wide range of experiences and the workshop will introduce the basics of meditation and mindfulness. The workshop is suitable for complete novices, those with minimal meditation experience or those just wanting to see what it is all about. If you are concerned that you can only do meditation sitting cross-legged on the floor, there are chairs and many props to support you comfortably.

If you are interested in this 2 hour workshop on Saturday May 8th ~ 10:30 - 12:30 pm, please contact the studio for registration information.

"Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear?"


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Releasing the Spine ~ Backbends Workshop

This Sunday, May 2nd, Paola will guide us in a workshop to explore Backbends in yoga practice. Backbends can be intimidating for some, but we will look at deconstructing and working with asanas for all abilities in this workshop. There are many backbends in yoga; from locust to pigeon to wheel ~ poses for students of all levels. We will explore both restorative as well as more active backbends.

The benefits of backbends include bringing freedom and movement to the spine, release of tension from the pelvis, heart and throat and finding a sense of energy in the body. There are a few spots available, please contact the studio if interested.

Slow and deep into the heart of the day.
With each inhalation comes an exhalation twice as long.
Slow and deep filling the lungs with infinite space,
the sun rises and sets in each single breath.
Forget about tomorrow.
Now is an eternity and life is a victory to celebrate
the heart of the day.

Leza Lowitz " Yoga Poems"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Chakra Workshop

Tracey will be offering a 2 hour introduction to the chakras workshop entitled Balancing Energy in the Body this Saturday, April 24th from 10:30-12:30 pm. Space is still available. If you are interested, please contact the studio for registration.
Additional upcoming workshops will be Releasing the Spine Through Backbends: For All Abilities ~ May 2nd and Journey of the Heart A Special Nia Class/Workshop on Tuesday May 11th. Jack Connelly will be returning for 2 Meditation Based workshops ~ Introduction to Meditation and Mindfulness on Sat. May 8th and Meditation: A Deeper Exploration on Wed. June 16th. That will end the offerings of studio workshops until the fall.

Yin Yoga

The teachers at the studio continue to expand their knowledge through continuing education and trainings in many aspects of yoga. We are pleased to offer YIN yoga at the studio and 3 of our teachers completed Yin Yoga Trainings this spring. Bridget recently returned from Chicago after completing an intensive 25-hour Yin Yoga: Practice and Theory Teacher Training with well known Yin Teacher Paul Grilley. Pam completed a comprehensive 40-hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training Intensive with Tracey Soghrati in April. Sharon participated in both trainings in Chicago and Toronto. We feel blessed to have studied and learned from these accomplished teachers. We are offering an Introduction to Yin Yoga and also will be incorporating Yin yoga approach into our hatha classes. This is a therapeutic practice that is both challenging and meditative. Congratulations to Bridget, Pam & Sharon!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Workshop Cancellation

The workshop on Arm Balances and Inversions on Sunday April 11th, has been cancelled and will be re-scheduled later in the season.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Holiday Closure

Is is wonderful to see the sun shining and the temperatures warming.
Hopefully spring is just around the corner....

Just a reminder that the winter session of classes will be finishing on Friday March 12th. The studio will be closed for the March Break school holiday from Sat. March 13th to Friday March 19th. Classes will resume on Sat. March 20th as we begin our Spring Session.
Registration is open and will be on-going as long as space permits.


Friday, February 26, 2010

A Warm Welcome

It is with great pleasure that we welcome Senior Teacher Paola di Paolo, RYT500, OYA-R to our studio for the spring session 2010.

Paola has been practicing yoga since 1984 and has been teaching since 1990. She is certified to teach both Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga (3H0). Paola has studied Iyengar Yoga, Scaravelli influenced yoga with Esther Myers and Kundalini Yoga with Hari Darshan Singh Khalsa. She enjoys the dynamic relationship between asana, breath and energy. Her particular teaching interest lies in encouraging students to explore their own authentic experience of the postures in order to deepen their practice. Paola is on the faculty of the Teacher Training Program at Esther Myers Studio in Toronto and has directed a YTT (RYS200) program at her Keswick studio, Four Directions Yoga.

Paola will be teaching a new EXPERIENCED LEVEL Hatha class for those wishing to deepen their understanding of yoga on all levels in an integrated practice. These classes are suitable for those familiar with asana at an intermediate or advanced level, yoga teachers and those wanting to benefit from the energy and support that a group class experience offers.

Paola will also be facilitating a MOVE DEEPER INTO YOGA series for yoga teachers and/or experienced students. This series will allow an opportunity to gain clarity and understanding through exploration of yoga from both practical applications and discussion based on the "focus" of the class. The class will be limited to 8 students and is held every 3 weeks for a 4 class session.

Welcome Paola!

Sharon, Bridget, Pam & Tracey

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Spring Schedule 2010


The spring 2010 schedule brochures have been mailed out to those on the mailing list or who were away from class this week. Registration has now begun for our spring session. Please call to confirm available space in a class or workshop. A post dated cheque is required within one week of registration to hold the space.
The Spring Schedule will be posted on the website early March.

The upcoming Ashtanga Fusion Workshop with Caroline Owens (March 28th) is now full but we have a waiting list, for those still interested in attending if a cancellation occurs.

Do you have the patience to wait
Till your mud settle and the water is clear?
Can you remain unmoving
Till the right action arises by itself?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Family Day - Monday February 15th

Just a reminder that the studio will be closed Monday Feb. 15th
for the Family Day holiday.
Enjoy the day and regular classes will resume Tuesday 16th.

pts yoga studio

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Developing a Home Yoga Practice

There are still a few spots left in Bridget's workshop,
Developing a Home Yoga Practice this Saturday January 23rd.
If you have a desire to begin a home yoga practice but can't
remember what you have done in class, this is a great opportunity to develop tools to cultivate and maintain a home practice.Please call the studio if you feel you may like to join us for this 2 hour workshop.