"yoga is not about touching your toes, it is about what you learn on the way down."

Judith Hanson Lasater

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Restorative Yoga Fridays

The National Post just published an article on April 22nd, in relationship to the benefits for a restorative yoga practice. How appropriate to have an article like this come out just prior to our Restorative Yoga Friday class beginning on April 29th.


Benefits of Restorative Yoga
Restorative Yoga focuses on relaxing the body in restful postures. Note that 'rest' is different than sleep. Rest provides the body an opportunity to renew and heal. Countless studies have proven the physical and emotional benefits of this.

Restorative yoga, as well as other forms of yoga, help to trigger the Parasympathetic nervous system also known as the PNS. The PNS is responsible for balancing the body and bringing its response system back into equalibrium. Stimulating the PNS helps to lower heart rate, blood pressure; it helps to healthily stimulate the immune system and keep the endocrine system operating healthily. When this system gets out of whack, or when the Sympathetic nervous system, SNS gets over-stimulated, the PNS helps to bring all back in balance. It is believed that is the PNS is tapped out or under-active, illness pervades. Thus, forms of relaxation, such as yoga and meditation, that help to stimulate the PNS are generally beneficial for overall body health.

We have 3 classes for Restorative Yoga on Fridays - April 29th, May 13th and May 27th from 4:15 - 5:15 pm. A great way to undo the stresses of your week and move into the weekend from a place that is tension free.

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